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Zoe Murphy

Zoe Murphy - Banded Together


When do you feel most connected to yourself?

I'm truly connected when I'm creating a space, an image... for me being creative is my core.

To who, or what else are you connected? 

My babies and my baby daddy are joined to my hip... I'm drawn to sunshine, beach and sea... and most weeks you can find me downward dog at humming puppy.... yoga connects me to my present  moment.

Define Perfection.....

Perfection is a sunny day, a gorgeous quality outfit that feels fabulous, happy faces, positive attitude, a good night sleep, a fashionable book, a gallery, good friends, hunting online and discovering a fashion forward label that delivers good quality designer pieces at affordable prices... perfection is Banded Together.

Tell us about your three favourite pieces of clothing...

I absolutely love the Banded Together straight leg pants with elastic waist and seam down centre legs. They are incredibly comfortable and can be worn casually with my favourite pair of Gucci trainers and my white Balmain t-shirt or I dress them up with Valentino Rock Stud heels and pair with the matching Banded Together halter top. 

What rules in your life are you trying to rewrite?

My rule for a happy life is balance. I am constantly redirecting myself to fulfill all four groups in life; relationships, work, family and wellbeing... it's important that these are all on and not just one or two... it's a daily juggle but definitely worth it.

Find out more about Zoe at and on Instagram @mco_llection